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Crop Management

Crop health management is essential as a component of crop management to secure harvested yield. Genetic improvement of crops, whether by GM or conventional methods, is only one of many methods that can improve crop performance.


Some basic crop production principles include soil preparation, sowing, fertilization and fertilization, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, and proper storage. Some of them are:

  • Rejuvenation of soil fertility

  • Production of different types of crops

  • Controlling the spread of diseases, insects, and weeds.

These are key requirements for effective crop management:

  • Combining practical knowledge with scientific technology

  • Efficient use of natural resources

  • Adopting time-specific management practices

  • Prioritizing quality-based production

  • Adoption of appropriate farming systems

  • Adoption of location-specific technology

  • Production based on market demand

  • Adoption of low-cost and no-cost technology

Key rules to improve crop management:

  • Seed quality – Agricultural production depends on farmers sowing seeds in their fields.

  • Field Productivity Zoning

  • Monitoring the growth of crops

  • Accurate weather forecast

  • Regular scouting

  • Crop protection methods

  • Soil testing and its quality

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