Subvención de extensión de WSU-JardÃn de demostración de plantas nativas para jardineros maestros Adams en la biblioteca pública de Moses Lake
Programa De Heritage Garden
El Programa Heritage Garden se dedica a crear paisajes y jardines que ahorren agua en la zona árida de la cuenca del río Columbia en el estado de Washington. Además, Heritage Garden trabaja para incorporar y honrar las características naturales y culturales únicas de esta region.
Dado que nuestra región solo recibe entre 7 y 11 pulgadas de precipitación cada año, plantar plantas nativas y otras plantas que consumen poco agua tiene sentido. Ayuda a ahorrar agua, dinero y puede proporcionar un hábitat importante para la vida silvestre.
Nuestro personal está a su disposición para ayudarle a planificar y solucionar los problemas de sus jardines y céspedes actuales y con ello conseguir plantas nativas ahorradoras de agua. Permítanos ayudarle a identificar e instalar sistemas de riego eficientes para sus jardines, patios y propiedades.
¿Interesado en transformar su jardin?
Para obtener más información o aplicar, comuníquese con:
Dinah Rouleau, directora del programa CBCD
(509) 765-9618

Moorehead Manor
This is located in Lind WA, she planted last fall and is already seeing some blooms. Fun fact her mother was a rock hound so this one has many geologic features. She also focused on medicinal use plants and had very many to choose from. And with one of the rose plantings are the ashes of her mother, so it is a true Heritage Garden

The Pioneer Soap Lake Heritage Garden
This was our very first garden that was designed and planted in the Fall of 2022. An avid gardener had been very motivated, and it has over 40 different species of plants used.

Richard Cooper
This unique garden was installed just last fall and already the growth of our small plugs are huge! The Cooper family has been lucky enough to enjoy several blooms already in their first spring and summer.
A lot of the cacti were from their own garden and family members' gardens which gives another meaning to the name Heritage!
Cannot wait to see how this garden looks next year.

Logan Family Heritage Garden
This Garden is located on Hayden Drive in Moses Lake WA. They have had this area for a few years and excited they could finally become an official Certified Heritage Garden. They will be plugging in a few more forbs this fall to add to their native only Heritage Garden.

McConihie Point Moses Lake Heritage Garden
McConihie Point Moses Lake Certified Heritage Garden. Beautiful view of Moses Lake with several wonderful geological and historic features throughout the garden. The homeowner says this garden is heavily utilized by ground fowl, pollinators and munched on by rabbits.

WSU Extention Grant-Adams Master Gardeners
WSU Extension Grant-Adams Master Gardeners Native Plant Demonstration Garden at the Moses Lake Public Library. Stop by and visit the garden!

Moorehead Manor
This is Moorehead Sun House
Located in Lind WA planted in fall of 2023 cannot wait to see our forbs over the next year.

Basin Estates Heritage Garden
This garden is located in Ephrata Basin Estates Manager was tired of planting new plants every spring, now with our low water natives she no longer has to replant or water! Heritage Gardens can be any size as long as there are 3 different species.