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RFP: Columbia Basin Groundwater Cooperative Interactive Web Application

The Columbia Basin Conservation District (CBCD) is pleased to announce that we are now accepting proposals from qualified firms to assist with the development of the Columbia Basin Groundwater Cooperative Interactive Web Application in Grant, Adams, Franklin, and Lincoln Counties in Washington.

The RFP closes on January 2, 2025, at 4:00 PM PST.


1. What is the budget for this project?

The approximate budget for the Columbia Basin Groundwater Cooperative Interactive Web Application Project is $100,000.

2. How much data has been gathered or currently exists for this project?

The project will involve a variety of data types, such as reports, well logs, water level sites, samples, and other relevant records. The data has not been cleaned, organized, or prepared for this project. The precise number of data points (e.g., reports or well logs) has not yet been determined

3. Has the data been pre-cleaned for the project?

No, the data has not been cleaned, organized, or prepared. A significant portion of the contractor's role will involve evaluating, cleaning, and organizing the data to determine what is useful for inclusion in the web application.

4. Is there a website you would like the final product to resemble?

We are open to creative ideas. The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) portal and its associated GIS applications serve as an excellent example:

5. Are there other groups involved in this project?

Yes, we are working with the Columbia Basin Sustainable Water Coalition as part of this effort.

Last updated: December 19, 2024



903 W. 3rd Ave, Moses Lake, WA, 98837    (509) 765-9618  I  I  @ 2025 Columbia Basin Conservation District

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