Voluntary Stewardship Program
VSP is a non-regulatory, incentive-based approach to protecting critical areas where agricultural activities are being conducted while maintaining agricultural viability. VSP allows farmers and ranchers to continue agricultural activities without regulation under county critical areas ordinance by promoting voluntary stewardship strategies that protect critical areas.
The Columbia Basin Conservation District and VSP Workgroups are responsible for implementing the Voluntary Stewardship Program for Grant and Adams Counties.
To sign up for VSP please call the district or sign up online today! All you need is your name, contact information, parcel numbers, and crop rotation.
Staff will contact you and develop a report that includes information on soils, critical areas, and environmental resources for your property. Management practices that protect or enhance critical areas will be documented during this process. Staff will provide conservation practice recommendations and resources for financial and technical assistance at your request. This process is free, voluntary, and confidential.
Why is VSP important?
Failure of the Voluntary Stewardship Program could trigger a regulatory approach to critical area protection where agricultural activities occur under the Growth Management Act. Please see the Grant County Work Plan and the Adams County Work Plan for more information on goals and benchmarks for Grant and Adams VSPs.
Grant County VSP Reports
Adams County VSP Reports

“Stewardship will remain voluntary until individuals stop volunteering.
It's up to you!”