Shoreline Nutrient Assessment
The Shoreline Nutrient Assessment (SNA) is a tool that can be used to assess a landowner’s shoreline property to see what that individual can do to reduce nutrients from entering Moses Lake. Signing up for the SNA is a completely voluntary process for people who are interested in doing their part in protecting Moses Lake.
Moses Lake has a harmful algal bloom problem that is the result of excess nutrients. These nutrients come from various areas that include groundwater, agriculture, nonpoint sources, stormwater runoff, and natural occurrences. The SNA is a great way for landowners to play a part in reducing nutrients entering Moses Lake from nonpoint sources and stormwater runoff.
Resources we will cover in your SNA
A Quick Guide for Moses Lake Shoreline Landowners and Residents
As a shoreline landowner or resident on Moses Lake, you can make a big difference when it comes to the lake’s water quality and our community’s health and wellbeing.
Learn more about ways you can help by downloading our free Quick Guide for Moses Lake Shoreline Landowners and Residents.

Let's get started! Contact:
Ron Sawyer
Conservation Director
Cell: (509) 760-1845
Email: ronnie-sawyer@columbiabasincd.org
Kaley Wisher
Conservation Biologist
Cell: (509) 771-4986
Email: kaley-wisher@columbiabasincd.org
What is a SNA and why is it important?
The Shoreline Nutrient Assessment was created in 2024 to reduce the amount of nutrients going into Moses Lake. The program is run by the Columbia Basin Conservation District (CBCD) who work with landowners to identify potential runoff areas where nutrients are leaching into the lake. Phosphorus is the nutrient most responsible for blue-green algae blooms in the lake. Knowing this, CBCD staff work with landowners to assess their septic systems, landscape goals, lawn maintenance, and other property improvements to reduce the amount of nutrients going into the lake.
Do I need an SNA?
Any shoreline landowner or resident on Moses Lake can benefit from an SNA.
What should I expect during and after my SNA visit​​?
Experts from the Columbia Basin Conservation District will schedule an hour-long visit with you at your lakefront property to answer any questions you may have about ways you can reduce your phosphorus contributions to our lake. Some topics covered will include lawn and garden care, septic maintenance, and property improvements and changes to the shoreline.
Based on your questions, a customized plan will be created to address your concerns and outline resources and actions that you can take to improve your property all while benefitting the overall health of the lake! Participation in a Shoreline Nutrient Assessment may qualify you for up to $800 in septic tank maintenance reimbursements.​
Who is funding the SNA Program?
This program is funded by The Washington State Department of Ecology.