Heritage Garden Project
This program is dedicated to creating water-wise landscapes and gardens in the arid portion of the Columbia River Basin of Washington State. Additionally, Heritage Gardens works to incorporate and honor unique natural and cultural features of this area.
With our region only getting 7-11 inches of precipitation each year, planting native plants and other low water use plants just makes sense. It helps save water and money and can provide important habitat for wildlife.
Our staff are available to help you plan and trouble-shoot your current plants for more water efficient and native plants. Let us help you identify and install efficient watering systems for your gardens, yards, and properties.
What is a Heritage Garden?
Heritage Gardens are landscaped areas designed to honor the cultural and natural heritage of the Columbia River Basin while utilizing sustainable gardening practices.
We promote the use of native plants and sustainable landscape and gardening techniques. Our goal is to educate our community about the history and biodiversity of the Columbia River Basin.

Things to Consider
Changing your landscape involves committing your time and financial resources. We recommend the following steps as you research whether a Heritage Garden is right for you.
If you are thinking of starting a Heritage Garden, please consider these tips:
Visit existing gardens
Research native plants and nurseries
Determine your gardening aesthetic
Consider the amount of time and maintenance

How we can Help
During the site visit we will walk your property with you and discuss your plans for creating a Heritage Garden. We will look at your soil, irrigation system and existing site conditions that influence the selection of plants that will do well in your garden. We will help you determine what type of garden best suites the time and financial resources that you have available.
Based on your site conditions and your gardening aesthetic we will develop a custom plant list for your proposed Heritage Garden. The plant list will include information on the specific plants we recommend, their water requirements, growth habits and other helpful information.
If you are the DIY type and you need instruction on how to properly plant, water, and maintain your Heritage Garden we can help. If you plan to hire a landscaping company, we are available to review proposed landscape plans.